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Bean Roasters and Roller Coasters… Starbucks in the Parks Banner Image

Bean Roasters and Roller Coasters… Starbucks in the Parks

by Stephen Escobar

A colleague and I were chatting the other day about everything and nothing. Eventually we circled around to the millennial obsession with coffee. Drive through any big city or small town, and you’re sure to see that signature green sign. What is our infatuation with Starbucks? My tween daughter is constantly snapping photos of her latest creations to upload to her current social media platform of choice. My husband will drive out of his way to snag a Venti. My friend insists I’m a freak of nature because I don’t have a reusable travel mug.

Now it seems that the Starbucks movement has reached the major theme parks as well. They’ve popped up in the home of our favorite mouse, the magical universe of wizards and robots and even the coaster capital of the world. Evidently, we need a little caffeine to steel ourselves before conquering the rides. Everywhere you look, people are grasping those cups of liquid bravado!

It’s true that Starbucks has become a familiar part of our daily routines, even when traveling. It’s comforting to know that we can grab our personal blend while visiting a new city or attraction. A little bit of home, if you will. I suppose it’s only natural that we look for our favorite beverage at our favorite parks. Let’s not forget, we all tend to be bleary-eyed when trying to squeeze in as much fun as possible in a short amount of time… maybe THAT explains the abundance of Starbucks locations!

The next time you are planning a trip to your chosen amusement park (or any other place), count on enjoying a cup of joe. Or frappuccino. Or refresher. Or latte. You get the idea- you might just want to wait until you get off the big coaster to drink it!!

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