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Coronavirus and Student Travel: What You Need to Know

by Rhoda Venture
Education TripPerformance TripTravel

It’s the headline on every news station. It’s the first thing we hear about in the morning and the last thing we see at night. Coronavirus has quickly become a part of our everyday vocabulary. It’s A LOT of information coming at us at one time. The important thing to remember is NOT TO PANIC! If you have kids going on a school trip, here’s what you need to know about Coronavirus and student travel.

What do we know right now?

As of March 2, 2020, there have been only 87 total confirmed cases of 2019 Coronavirus in the United States. On February 29, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration took steps to dramatically expand testing.

Based on current information from the U.S. Department of State, CDC, and the World Health Organization, there is no recommendation to alter Domestic travel plans at this time.

What is the outlook for the next few months?

Global analysts expect that the situation will “stabilize globally in April 2020, with virtually no new transmissions in May.” The optimistic outlook is that the virus stops spreading in March and the worst-case project holds that it continues into late May.

Does my child’s trip planner know how to handle this situation?

Based on current information from the CDC and the World Health Organization, there is no recommendation to alter plans to travel domestically. Your child’s student travel provider should continually monitor the situation.

An experienced provider works with safety consultants and industry experts throughout the year to address any concerns that arise. If this or any other situation changes, they’ll let you know.

Should I let my student travel?

Again, an experienced student tour company will constantly monitor all tours (before and during) to ensure a healthy and safe experience. Should a travel warning to any location listed on your itinerary be issued, they should immediately contact your group leader to work toward solutions.

Based on current information from the U.S. Department of State, CDC, and the World Health Organization, there is no recommendation to alter domestic travel plans at this time.

Are there any travel bans related to the 2019-COVID 19 Virus?

The CDC has issued a recommendation to avoid any nonessential travel to China, Iran, Italy and South Korea at this time. There are no travel warnings in the US or Canada.

COVID-19 information for travel infographic
COVID-19 how it pertains to travel infographic

Should I get a mask for my child?

U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams has asked Americans and the general public to stop going out and buying masks. According to Adams, “it actually does not help, and it has not been proven to be effective in preventing the spread of coronavirus amongst the general public.”

The surgical style masks that people are buying are loose-fitting and intended to protect the patient or outside world from the wearer’s respiratory emissions. It is not considered necessary to provide respiratory protection for the wearer.

How can I reduce the chance of getting this virus?

To reduce the chance of infection spreading, the WHO and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommend regular hand washing, covering the mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meats and eggs. The information can be found on the WHO website.

Coronavirus and Student Travel

It’s easy to get caught up in the constant coverage of Coronavirus. Be prepared – just don’t panic! If you’re working with an experienced student travel company, avoiding international travel to identified destinations, and taking standard precautions for health and wellness, there’s no reason to keep your children at home. Keep calm and let them travel on!



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