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Happy Holidays from Kaleidoscope Adventures

by Rhoda Venture

I absolutely love this time of year.  The world seems just a bit brighter and people smile just a little more.  I put my decorations up early, turn on the holiday music while the pumpkins are still out, and start my shopping before the crowds do (side note- that last one is just good sense!)  I like to soak in the magic for as long as possible.

This year, I would have started decorating in September if could have (I guess SOME of the neighbors thought it was too early – lol!) 2020 was filled with uncertainty, unsettling news, and general upheaval.  A little holiday cheer is just what the doctor ordered.

Lessons from 2020

However, while we all shared the challenges that accompany a worldwide pandemic, we had some bright spots as well.  We reconnected with old friends (via Zoom, of course!).  We discovered we could work and learn from home (mostly). Most of us even became experts at wearing the same sweatpants for days on end!

Most importantly, we found the family time that so many of us have been craving.  We’re accustomed to the hustle and bustle.  Hitting the pause button for a little while helped to prioritize what’s important. I didn’t necessarily enjoy cooking more, but I did love spending time around the table with our children and catching up with their lives.

Count on KA

This year, we also learned who we could count on when things go wrong.  As February turned to March and the phones at Kaleidoscope Adventures began to ring with cancellations, our KA team rolled up its sleeves and did the hard work of taking care of the people who travel with us.

It wasn’t always easy, but when the dust settled, our clients were overwhelmingly satisfied with our efforts.  After all, 27 years in the student travel industry has taught us a thing or two – and we will always do our very best for you!

Ring in 2021

Now the most wonderful time of the year is here, and we should enjoy every second of it!  As we found out, it’s not about the money we spend but the people with whom we spend time.  As the much-anticipated news of a vaccine now dominates our headlines, we’ll soon resume our hectic schedules and put 2020 in the rearview mirror.

While we are anxious to ring in 2021, let’s not forget the lessons 2020 taught us.  Slow down, appreciate time with family and friends, and take time to thank a teacher, health care provider, or another essential worker.  Know who you can trust and rely on those relationships as we embrace our new normal.

Above all, let’s not forget the most important lesson from a year filled with them – stockpile your toilet paper and disinfecting wipes.  You never know what adventures 2021 will bring 😉!

Happy Holidays from the team at Kaleidoscope Adventures and Best Wishes for A Wonderful New Year!


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As a leader in the student travel industry for 25+ years, Kaleidoscope Adventures exceeds expectations for student and performance group travel.

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